Sacred Birthing

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Sacred Birthing

Well hello, there miracle maker!

That’s what you are, you know. Your body is literally crafting an absolute miracle as you read this. Just think, this little being chose YOU to be their mama, which is quite something. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably knee-deep in researching the absolute best ways to welcome baby earthside. You care deeply about the kind of experience you want and you intend to birth with ease and grace.

You know the birth you dream of is possible, but you also know you need tools, teachings and proven techniques to help you achieve it.

But that’s not all you need.

You’re looking for guidance to help you go deeper, explore further, tune in on another level. You believe in the unseen energies of the Universe and you plan to be in communion with your guides, Source and baby during pregnancy and labour. You want to be able to sing your angel earthside with a wild and free heart.

My Sacred Birthing Program was Divinely created, intuitively channeled and is designed for today’s mindful birthing mama. Powerful, calming and insightful - this series invites conscious minded birthing mama’s to awaken to their true potential by connecting with the magic of their subconscious.

Fall in love with your birthing body,

Let go of your fears, 

Awaken to your power 


witness your divine birth in the practice ground of your mind's eye.

This program includes:

  • 5 Hypnotic, soulful 20 – 30 minute audios designed to program your subconscious for birth
  • 5 Sacred worksheets designed to take you deeper into your experience and weed out any fears you may have 
  • Access to the private library of 14+ short videos offering powerful, useful, important guidance and birthing secrets

Annnd for those of you who would like even more details about the bulk of this program (the meditations) below is the outline on what exactly you can expect from each one:

Once you purchase, you will have access to the program in my online platform. Here you will easily find MP3's, a video library and PDF worksheets to print out or read through. You will be able to access the content as often as needed and will receive a login and password at the time of purchase.

The deeper details:

Audio one: Honouring your pregnant body

In this meditation you receive:

  • 20 mins of meditative/hypnotic teaching and guided visualisation designed to take the listener from resistant to bodily changes to embracing of and gratitude for their miracle vessel. If you already have a positive body image, this meditation will deepen your level of love and reverence for yourself
  • Healing, calming, honouring – making friends with our birthing body is a key element in preparing to birth with ease and grace.
  • Worksheet with mantra and steps to action

Audio two: Connecting with baby

This meditation is designed to offer you:

  • 20 mins of experiencing your baby in its Divine glory nestled in your womb. This is sure to make you cry tears of joy.
  • To form or deepen an unbreakable connection and bond with your little one – enabling a pathway of communication from which to intuit his/her needs through
  • To form a deeper level of trust in your birthing experience and that you are growing a perfectly healthy, happy baby
  • Experience the feeling of really getting to know the sacred soul who is currently residing on the inside
  • Worksheet with mantra and steps to action

Audio three: Prepare for Birth

In this meditation you will receive:

  • 30 mins of meditative/hypnotic teaching and guided visualisation
  • Tools and guidance on how to use your current life experiences as a practice ground for birth – for managing pain and discomfort.
  • Powerful concepts and teachings that support birthing with ease and grace
  • Meeting your birthing guides in a sacred visualisation. Releasing fears, apprehension and gaining trust, confidence and self belief in your ability to birth.
  • Being led on a magical journey that enables you to actually experience your birth in the way you desire before it happens – the most powerful training ground for your subconscious mind you can have
  • Profound feelings of joy and elation as you meet your baby and feel so deeply connected to the powerful birthing guides who will be there to support you
  • Worksheet with mantra and steps to action

Audio four: Birth like an empowered Goddess

In this meditation you will receive:

  • 30 mins of meditative/hypnotic birthing experience
  • A sacred sister whispering the words you need to hear during labour and birth
  • Encouragement, reminders of what you are truly capable of and tools that will help you manage your experience.
  • Calming, relaxing, audio to help awaken you to your birthing power. Visualisations that help dilate your cervix and open the divine pathway for birthing your baby
  • Support to guide you through pain and intensity.
  • Can be listened to before labour as another tool to prepare for the real event
  • Magical energy that comes through the audio and holds the listener in the nurturing arms of grace – giving the birthing mama what she needs to keep moving forward.

Bonus Audio – Mother Love

In this meditation you will receive:

  • 30 mins of meditative/hypnotic teaching and guided visualisation
  • This is a profoundly deep and healing meditation for any pregnant mama who doesn’t feel she has the nurturing, supportive, kind, loving energy of her own mother with her. For whatever reason – perhaps she passed away, perhaps her mother has never been the nurturing kind, perhaps their relationship is estranged.
  • Every pregnant woman births their best when they feel loved, supported, safe, nurtured. This powerful audio invites the listener into an experience of meeting their Divine Mother – who offers exactly what they have been yearning for.

** All Audios are professionally recorded by me, trained in Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP. The recordings are designed to leave the pregnant mama feeling empowered, inspired, awakened and capable. Please note this program is NOT designed to replace your healthcare practitioner. It is designed to work in conjunction with your Dr/Midwife/Doula/Obstetrician. There are no guarantees that if you follow this program you will have a birth experience without intervention or challenge. It is simply a guide to support you in creating the best possible circumstances and to arm you with the mindset to meet challenging circumstances. It is highly recommend you seek professional counsel if you are not feeling capable of handling the pregnancy or birthing experience you are having.

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