Tales of the Wild Adventurer

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Tales of the Wild Adventurer

A children’s program for calm, easy bedtimes.

An enchanting tale of magic and mystery, this ten-day audio program is a sacred journey to get lost in with your child/children.

Spoken as a story book by the author, each day holds a new lesson in building resilience, trusting oneself, and connecting with nature. The messaging seeded throughout this program will support your child to learn how to find peace in difficult situations and instil feelings of safety and relaxation for a restorative sleep each night.

Created as a bedtime story, "Inuku's Journey Home" is ideal for family connection and relationship building. Allow yourself to become joyfully lost in the narrative of this experience, reawakening to the wonder and magic of life as you listen together.

The perfect end to your nightly routine, the music gathers and prepares the listener with anticipation, whilst the story and wording supports a gentle softening and deepening into a calm, restorative sleep.

Parents be warned …. You may enjoy this book as much as your child 😉

Suitable for ages 4 - 13 and 23 - 100+. Over 2.5 hours of listening time. Approximately 17 minutes per day. Note: You might find your children enjoy the story so much, they need to hear another day before falling asleep (mine do).

Let the journey begin, may you find your way home with Inuku ....

Note - for Australian residents price is inclusive of GST

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AUD 29
Total due AUD 29

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