Awakening Your Inner Goddess
My 7 Day Meditation Program will assist you to awaken the vibrant, clear energy of life within you.
- Feel more calm and centered in yourself
- Feel more clear, open light and in flow with life
- Be able to trust yourself and the decisions you make more
- Feel more free, vibrant and alive on the inside
- Become a magnet of divine energy so that more desirable things flow into your life.
... begins with a story ….
Once upon a time, there was a woman.
A woman who once had a heart full of dreams and desires.
This woman had a natural love of laughter, adventure and freedom. She believed in the unseen energies of the Universe, though she wasn’t always certain of what they were and how to tap into them.
Slowly as the years went by, at first without even noticing, the challenges of life began to chip away at her.
Heartbreak, disappointment, and stress eroded her self confidence. It tightened her heart and she started to lose touch with her intuition, her ability to trust life and herself.
Not being one for giving up though, she added a layer or two of armour and soldiered on through the years. To the outside world, she seemed pretty happy but deep down she always felt like something was missing.
... She did not fully trust herself and her decisions.
... She found herself looking to the outside world for approval.
... She began to question how and why her life was unfolding the way it was, she compared herself to others and wished things would change for the better.
... She felt overwhelmed, pressured and exhausted by womanhood, its roles and demands.
She knew she needed to put more focus and attention on the sacred jewel within her heart, but it had been buried for so many years that she struggled to find her way back there. Even if she could locate it, she certainly didn’t feel like she had the time or energy to nurture it.
Part of her was also afraid of what might happen if she did …. So she trudged on. Waiting for something to change.
Reading books here and there. Signing up for programs every once in a while. Deep down she still yearned for a consistent practice that was so fulfilling it meant she didn’t have to take a holiday from her daily life. She yearned to feel more connected to herself, her loved ones and the Divine spirit of the Universe.
Deep down she knew there was a power within her that had the ability to not only create life but to also manifest her hearts desires and bring more of who she really is into the world.
BUT, How to really tap into that? She just wasn’t sure.
Until NOW.
She read the words of Mama Goddess and her mission to create a movement for everyday women. A movement that made it easy for women to plug back into their spiritual practice, their intuition, and their divine feminine energy.
She listened to Kim’s voice and it touched something deep inside her. In that moment, she knew. Not so much that this program was the answer to ALL of her challenges,
RATHER, that it was the foundation – the entry point from which to awaken her spirit. It was what she’d been waiting for.
- I can do it from the comfort of my own home.
- The meditations are short enough that I can fit them into my busy schedule.
- It’s cheaper than a night out or shopping spree, yet I'll probably feel much better after this,
- They have been created by a woman who sounds like she totally gets where I am at in my life and that’s reassuring.
- It’s a small commitment. 7 days feels like a realistic time frame for me.
So, she decided to take the leap.
She whispered to herself “YES!, I AM WORTH IT!” and she clicked ‘add to cart’ to begin her new journey.